کتاب The Design of the Stock Exchange Organization

کتاب The Design of the Stock Exchange Organization

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Table of Contents

1-1 Introduction 7
1-2 Statement of the problem 8
1-3 Significance of the problem 9
1-4 Introduction to the topic of the study 10
1-5 Purposes of the study 10
1-6 hypotheses and questions 12
1-7 Definition of the terms 12
1-8 research methods 12
2-1 Economy 14
2-2 Definition of economy 15
2-3 What is the economy? 15
2-4 What is development? 16
2-5 Globalization 19
2-6 Financial market 21
2-7 money market 26
2-8 Capital market 31
2-9 History of stock exchange building in Iran 34
2-10 History of stock market building in the world 36
2-11 Analysis of the financial system in Iran 38
2-12 Capital market in Iran 46
2-13 Familiarity with the pillars of the securities market 50
2-14 Tehran stock exchange market 55
2-15 Regulations governing the manner of transactions in the Tehran Stock Exchange 67
2-16 Trading etiquette in the stock exchange 69
3-1 internal sample study 71
3-2 foreign sample study 75
4-1: Geographical location and political divisions of the province 91
4-2 Weather 93
4-3 Elevation of Isfahan 94
4-4 slope of Isfahan 94
4-5 soil in Isfahan 92
4–6 inches of rainfall in Isfahan 92
4-7 The winds in Isfahan 92
4-8 Sunlight: position of the sun 93
4–9 days of frost 93
4-10 temperature 93
4-11 humidity 94
4-12: Architecture of Isfahan Province 94
4-13 site location 97
5–1 Components of the Stock Exchange Complex 100
5-2 Teriya 104
5–3 office side spaces 104
5-4 complementary areas: spaces of collection office 105
5–5 office spaces 107
5-8 volume and facade design ideas 112

1-1 Introduction
In developed countries, the stock market is a capital market, and it performs the important tasks of optimal allocation of resources and attracting savings for production and profitability for people’s capital. Providing financial resources for companies is one of the most important features of the stock market in developed countries.
The stock market is a market like other markets where some people sell their goods and others buy them, but in this market, the traded goods are company shares or bonds issued by governments or reputable companies and institutions. In the stock market, strict regulations are applied to prevent fewer losses so that both companies and people benefit.
The stock exchange is considered one of the most important investment channels in the world, and the pulse of the world’s markets beats on important commodity and stock exchanges, as well as a way to collect small and large capital and direct it to the economy. Country and their use in the production and provision of services. It provides the basis for economic and industrial growth and development and fights unemployment by creating new jobs and employing the youth of the country. Many social harms caused by Unemployment, such as theft, delinquency, etc., will be reduced.

The stock market situation in Iran
In Iran, the stock exchange is a place for secondary trading on the shares of accepted companies. From this simple definition, it follows that a specific investment must have been made in a company or factory (the primary market) by providing the conditions. This company should be accepted on the stock exchange so that it can be traded on the stock exchange table (secondary market).
1-2 Statement of the problem
Undoubtedly, there is no art except architecture in the world that is directly or indirectly intertwined with people’s lives. Architecture, as one of the world’s well-known arts, which includes a beautiful combination of two elements, art and industry, has a very special place in the world.
The stock exchange building, as an economic center, plays an important role in the economy. So as the activity of the stock market increases, the rate of economic growth also increases. The stock market causes economic growth by collecting liquidity from society and using it in the investment process. (Soltanian, 2017).
This organization works in the direction of reducing inflation, increasing employment, creating a transparent market, growing gross national product, fair distribution of wealth, participating in the decision-making process, using small capital in production, etc.
Considering that Isfahan has long been one of the big cities of the country and is an industrial and tourism hub, and reliable companies always choose it for investment, there is no building suitable for this city in terms of the stock market and securities, which reveals the need for the design of this building. The result of the project, in the form of an architectural plan, tries to compile and present a comprehensive physical model and plan for the design of buildings and trading halls of the stock market, taking into account the customs of trading in the capital market and the policies applied in Iran.
1-3 Significance of the problem
In Iran, the history of conducting similar research in this field is limited to the submission of government research project articles and student theses that examine the subject in the fields of economic science and literature, but there is still a lack of information resulting from the lack of research in related fields.
Since the stock exchange organization works to optimize existing capital and increase the usefulness of the country’s society, we should synchronize ourselves with economic mechanisms and take advantage of common technologies to provide better facilities and services. Also, as an economic building, it should be a symbol of a healthy economy in the city.
Considering the nature of such buildings and the role they play in the economies of their city and country and sometimes the world (New York, London, or the Tokyo Stock Exchange), the existence of a unique and lasting building has always been desired by planners and designers. The scope of the activities of the stock exchange organization and the role it will assume in the economy of the region and the world require the existence of a building suitable for the relevant organization. (Pakrouh, 2006)
A building that adapts itself to the new economic conditions and mechanisms in the world and uses common technologies to provide better facilities and services is more necessary than ever, considering the growing trend of global communication and moving towards the globalization of the economy.

1-4 Introduction to the topic of the study
In the 20th century, issues such as the increase in population, the need for more workspace for people in cities, the need to use land in the centers of big cities, the need for reconstruction and renovation in urban areas, people’s demand for more workspace, and reducing costs due to expansion have been some of the factors that have raised the construction of tall buildings as a necessity in the big cities of the world.
In this regard, the office building of the Stock Exchange may be a high-ranking building that consumes a large share of energy and material resources for construction, maintenance, and finally destruction, but the designers should look for new solutions for optimal use of land and reducing negative effects. Be environmental buildings.
1-5 Purposes of the study
The basis of every research project is a set of specific goals, and along with this general goal, there are also a series of side goals. All of these goals are raised in all areas of the designed space, and in other words, these goals are operational.
1-5-1 main Purposes
 Planning and design of the Isfahan Stock Exchange
 Architectural design of office buildings with extra-regional spheres of influence. Raising the function of such buildings from the regional level to the national and transnational level and harmonizing it with current activities in the world
 Providing economic needs and cultural development for the young generation requires getting to know the culture and reviewing the culture of the past. In this review, it is necessary to be familiar with the art of handicrafts, music, and rituals.
 Using the achievements of this familiarization in the training section creates productive experiences.
 Environmental goals, proper use of energy in nature (climate-compatible architecture that uses beneficial factors such as favorable winds, light, and sun heat and harmful factors such as unfavorable winds to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels)
 favorable coexistence with the surrounding space in terms of form and easy access.
 Physical goals, communication, and fitness in the present and the ability to develop in the future
1-5-2 Sub-Purposes
 Acquaintance and presentation of the situation of the capital market and stock exchange in Isfahan province.
 Investigating and becoming familiar with the type of architecture governing office buildings and uses related to urban issues
 Getting to know the audience and checking its actual and potential needs and possibilities
 Examining the needs and forecasting the possibilities for the expansion of the stock market and the capital market in Isfahan
 presenting a physical program under the terms and conditions governing the stock market and its audience.
 Providing a comprehensive physical program under the terms and conditions governing the stock exchange and its audience
 Upgrading the region’s economy will increase traffic in the region.
 Enriching the lives of citizens.
 Expansion of economic activities

1-6 hypotheses and questions
How do you correct economic anomalies? How to improve society’s culture and economy? In other words, this center is a really urbanely enclosed space that exists within these various uses, and the most important of them are the hall, stock exchange, educational space, and office space.
1-7 Definition of the terms
– Economics is one of the fields of social sciences that deals with the quality of activity related to income and expenditure and how the financial relations of people in a society are with each other. The principles and laws that govern the aforementioned matters and the tools that should be used in practice according to the requirements of time and place should be adopted to ensure the welfare and development of society and the well-being and comfort of its people.
– Stock Exchange: Stock market or bazaar refers to a market where the pricing and buying and selling of goods and securities are done. The effects of Iran’s foreign policies on the stock market and its strong dependence on imports and exports
1-8 research methods
The research method is library-type (document analysis) and is as follows:
• First, getting to know the basic concepts related to the subject as well as the market and its role in the economy. Then, examining the possibility of combining similar uses with the project of institutions (financial as a collection with the nature of the stock market
• Mentioning architectural theoretical foundations, conducting related studies and combining them with general theoretical foundations
• Land surveying and site selection.
• Providing a comprehensive physical program according to demands, potentials, and theoretical foundations.
• Achieving the final goal of this research and designing the Isfahan Stock Exchange complex.
• Examining student theses at different levels of study.
• Study and review of projects designed with similar uses in Iran.
• Examining buildings and stock exchanges in other countries as suitable resources for use in the project process.
Use of Internet scientific articles.

2-1 Economy
Before the 17th century, science and philosophy were researched together in the realm of human knowledge, and there was no clear boundary between the two until, during the Renaissance, the culture of humanism created grounds for understanding social issues through reason and experience. This process gained so much momentum during the 17th century that it caused whispers of the independence and separation of social sciences from philosophy to begin at the beginning of the 18th century, and the phenomenon of independence and separation of social sciences from philosophy naturally demonstrated this idea that the social phenomenon has the characteristics of They are regular and the law that governs social behavior is the same as the law that governs the world of matter and nature.
Regarding economics, economic thinkers believe that human activities in production, distribution, and consumption are subject to natural laws that must be known to be able to explain the scientific relationships between economic phenomena. Since these laws are natural, they are the most appropriate laws that can create balance, provided that they are used in a natural and free state and the government, morality, or religion do not interfere in their operation.
Therefore, objective economic phenomena and economic human behavior in the economic scene, like other physical phenomena, are subject to a specific scientific relationship and can be observed and investigated by the method of experience. The fact is that the emergence of economic behaviors is not random and coincidental, but a cause-and-effect system governs them in such a way that these behaviors can be interpreted in the shadow of the relationship of causality. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that one of the components of the cause of objective behaviors and events is human authority and discretion. The economic relationship in society and the needs that explain the direction and purpose of the economic system are called basic needs.
2-2 Definition of economy
One of the concepts of economy in the world is moderation and avoiding extremes in everything. This has the same meaning in the verse (avoid excesses). Since moderation in the cost of living is one of the examples of moderation, the word (Economy) that is heard a lot about it has the same meaning. The meanings and proportionality of income and expenditure have been generalized and equated to the economy.
Aristotle: Economics means household management.
Adam Smith: Economics is the science of investigating the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.
Stuart Mill: Economics is the study of the nature of wealth through the laws of production and distribution
Ricardo: Economics is science.
Alfred Marshall: Economics is the study of human beings in their work and professional lives; in another definition, economics is the study of human actions in the normal course of economic life, i.e., earning income and using it to educate life.
2-3 What is the economy?
The study of economics should make it possible to understand the expression and, to some extent, predict human economic behavior. This should help to improve the material and social well-being of human beings, so it can be claimed that economics, first, analyzes and relationships that are in the realm of material well-being.

According to his desire to satisfy his needs, a man tries to get the maximum result by spending the minimum effort or cost. This method is called the principle of economy. A person under the influence of any particular job must act based on this principle. Therefore, economics is a science that studies human behavior and its relationship with the normal things he requires that are not found for free in nature.
Unlike natural sciences, economics is not a pure science, but a collection of principles and rules that are influenced by human administration. The subject of economics is wealth, goods, services, and resources in terms of how they are produced, distributed, and consumed. The meaning of wealth is the financial aspect and the value of goods and services, not the spiritual aspect of property, so wealth is the subject of economics in terms of being valuable and financial.
2-4 What is development?
In general, development is a process that brings reorganization and a different orientation to the entire economic and social system. In addition to improving production and income, development includes fundamental changes in social-administrative institutional constructions as well as people’s general views. In many cases, development includes people’s habits, customs, and beliefs.
Kia, in his conclusion of the discussion of development, defines development as the reduction of poverty, unemployment, inequality, more industrialization, better communication, and increasing people’s participation in current political affairs. Dr. Hossein Azimi (R.I.P) interprets it as the meaning of the reconstruction of society based on new ideas and insights. These new thoughts and insights in the modern era include three ideas: believing in science, believing in man, and believing in the future.
For this purpose, to achieve development, three basic steps must be taken: understanding and digesting new ideas, explaining and clarifying these ideas, and creating new institutions for the practical realization of these ideas. Today, our understanding of the concept of development is that it is a comprehensive process (not just economic development) aimed at improving all aspects of people’s lives in a community.
2-4-1 Different dimensions of national development
They are economic development, political development, cultural and social development, and security development. It is not appropriate to give priority to one aspect without considering all aspects of development and putting other parts on the agenda for the future.
2-4-2 Developing countries
Today, it is suggested to use the term developing countries instead of third-world or backward countries. Developing countries are divided into more developed and less developed countries.
In some cases, parameters and levels are used for these definitions (for example, based on per capita income), but we do not see a global event in this field. But qualitatively and generally, the common characteristics of developing countries can be categorized as follows:
The low level and quality of life of the people.
Unemployment, and low work productivity.
High dependence on agricultural production or export of raw materials (natural resources).
Economic dependence and vulnerability in international relations.
Inappropriate and ineffective political and governmental structure.
– Social characteristics:
• social inequality
• Weaknesses of the middle class
• Illiteracy
• Health problems

2-4-3 indicators of economic development
Among the indicators of economic development or the level of development, the following can be mentioned: the per capita income index is obtained by dividing the national income of a country (gross domestic product) by its population. This simple and assessable index in different countries is usually compared with the per capita income level of developed countries. Sometimes a per capita income of $5,000 per year was an indicator of development, and at another time, a minimum per capita income of $10,000.
Purchasing Power Parity Index (PPP)
Since the per capita income index is calculated from the local prices of countries, and usually the price level of products and services is not the same in different countries of the world, the purchasing power parity index should be used. In this method, the amount of production of different goods in each country is multiplied by the world prices of those goods, and after making the necessary adjustments, the gross national product and its per capita income are calculated.
Sustainable Income Index (SSI GNA)
The effort to overcome the shortcomings of the per capita income index and pay attention to sustainable development instead of economic development leads to the calculation of the sustainable income index. In this method, the environmental costs that are created in the course of production and economic growth are also included in the national accounts. Then the rate of growth and development is obtained.
Composite indicators of development
From the beginning of the 1980s, some economists suggested the use of composite indicators instead of relying on an individual index to measure and compare economic development between countries.

Human Development Index (HDI)
This index was introduced in 1991 by the United Nations. Based on these indicators, the real per capita income is calculated based on the method of purchasing parity index, life expectancy (at birth), and access to education (which is a function of the literacy rate of adults and the average number of years people go to school).
2-5 Globalization
2.5.1 The new era replaces the Cold War era and the space era
People around the world are more connected than ever before. Information and money are flowing faster than before. Goods and services that are produced and offered in one part of the world are accessible in other parts of the world. International travel has become more and more common. The terms Cold War Age and Space Age are used to describe certain periods of history, and globalization is used to describe the prevailing cultural, economic, and political climate.

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